Berry Brook Farm, Cannock Road, Wolverhampton, WV10 8QD

The property comprises a public house arranged over ground, basement and first floors totalling 13,307 sq ft. Ground floor comprises main trading area with a large bar and childens play area, WCs and a commercial kitchen. The basement comprises the beer cellar. The first floor comprises residential accommodation and storage room. Externally there is a beer garden, childrens play area and 80 space car park.
The property occupies a prominent corner plot on Cannock Road (A460), Wolverhampton, a major route leading into the City centre and the primary road linking Wolverhampton with the M54, M6 and M6 toll. The road features a host of drive thru, petrol garages and service uses.
The property currently has sui generis consent
Contact Paul Tallentyre
Telephone: 020 7299 0740
Contact Connie Start
Telephone: 020 7299 0695
Disclaimer: All measurements, planning and licensing information are supplied for guidance only, and the potential purchasers should satisfy themselves as to their accuracy. Note that where a property is still trading, staff may be unaware of the proposed sale, so discretion is vital. Please channel all enquiries throught this office, as a failure to do so may cause embarrassment and jeopardise the sale. Although the status of each proerty is clearly marked; if a property is already under offer it is still worthwhile enquiring, as transactions can often abort. Possession is normally on completion of legal formalities, saved for some development situations which may still be under constuction