Restaurants, Pubs & Late-Night
The Valuation team comprises senior experts with extensive specialist market knowledge. Our expertise in the restaurant and pub market throughout central London, Greater London and nationwide is widely acknowledged throughout the hospitality and property industries.
We value businesses and properties, as going concerns, opportunities for new businesses as well as property investments and development sites. We value freeholds, ground leaseholds and leasehold interests, working alongside other DCL teams including agents and lease advisory experts. This enables us to provide valuations based on an unrivalled insight into these specialist markets.
In the late-night sector, the Central London nightclub market is very fast moving and we advise throughout this market in providing valuations for all purposes. Our valuations are based on our extensive market knowledge of premiums, rents, and the significance of licensing to this sub-market.
Our valuations are used for loan security and equity investment purposes as well as for balance sheet. compulsory purchase, dispute and many other purposes – including viability assessments for planning application purposes.
We provide:
- Valuations of pubs and restaurants let as investments
- Valuations of pubs and restaurants as going concerns
- Rental valuations of pubs and restaurants
- Viability reports on pubs suited for alternative use
- Appraisals of trading potential of pubs and restaurants
- Competitor analyses of pubs and restaurants
- Charities Act formal valuation reports
- Expert reports for Court, mediation and other disputes